Thursday, July 24, 2008

Manage your matchsticks well.

I've done a lot of gardening in the past few weeks. I think I have my front yard where I want it for the time being. I just have to work on the bed under my big live oak. I have to dig up the pretty ground cover that John just calls weeds and finish planting the mondo grass. There is too much mondo grass. I am so glad for the rain. I planted purple queen or purple heart on the left side of my house. Finally, some color.

I am trying to get everything situated before my inlaws come for the next weekend. Sigh.....I am preparing myself for that event. In the meantime, I want my front yard to look half decent. Just don't look at the back yard. It's a hot mess. I do want to transplant all the impatiens so people can enjoy them. They? are all along the back fence covered in vine. Who can enjoy them out there?

I was up until 11 last night. A real rebel I am. I was feeding the ferel cats in my neighborhood. I know I shouldn't do it, but they are so cute. 2 siamese kittens. I couldn't resist. I'll post the pics soon. Both of the cats and my yard. It is something I am really proud of, especially since I have not paid a dime for a single plant. If I had to pay, I wouldn't be doing any of this. I couldn't afford it.

I am going to a baby shower and a funeral on Saturday.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Slacker Saturday

We weren't technically slackers. Just allergy sufferers. After staying up all night sneezing and coughing, Jason and I didn't want everyone in service to suffer as well. I did go to Tabby's study at noon time. Benita made coconut limbers. I don't know if I'm spelling it right or not. It's like a tropical freezecup.

J and I went to the pool at Victoria Park and chilled. Then, we had pizza at this new place called Ferrerra's near by. Our waitress was a teenage girl reminiscent of Juno. She actually worked at the Publix we shop at. She remembers Jason as the guy who bags his own groceries. Yep, my husband is the grocery store Nazi. He places everything in his cart like it's a tetris game. He knows he's anal and he's proud.

We saw a deer on the side of the road on our way back home. They are such beautiful creatures. Sometime I forget how many wild animals we have in Florida.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Office Space printer Scene

Warning: Profanity in this clip. If easily offended, turn off volume. Still really really funny

I hate my printer.

If you are in the market for a printer, DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT buy an epson. They suck ink like you would imagine. If ink was alcohol, my printer would be an alcoholic. Plus, if you run out of one cartridge, it won't let you print. That is my problem today. Must get my husb.'s highlights outlined printed out, but I need a stupid yellow and magenta cartridge before I can print it. I am not even using color and it won't let me print.

I'm feeling an Office Space moment coming on.......

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Summer of our Discontent....

It's amazing how you can get over a grudge or bad feelings if you really put your mind to it. The key is not to wallow. Wallowing in sorrows is so easy. It's like you enjoy the pain, almost. Anyway, enough said.

I am making the infamous pea soup tomorrow. I decided to put an entry in because I remembered I had the recipe in my blog sometime ago.

I wish I was going to Puerto Rico sometime soon. I miss the tropics. Beside, I am craving pinchos, those kabobs of seafood and other meat. And limbers. Basically what we called freeze cups iJthe hood.

I wanted to kill Dr. Mck and Andrew both today. They were totally ticked at each other and I couldn't get any work done. Enough family bonding time, please. It was still funny that I made Drew clean up the chair that the guy peed in. priceless.

Jonathan let me borrow the new Weezer Cd. Not bad. Weezer is always upbeat and happy.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Eat yer vegetables...

So, I'm trying to eat healthy and go to the gym. Granted, it is only day 1 of my program, but I feel like I'm doing good, so far. I want to do well before the convention. I just feel like my clothes don't fit as well as they used to. I have gained a few lbs, but nothing serious.

Evalyn is back from Alaska and California. She gave me a boat load of plants. I am not sure what to do with them. I planted some already in the bed next to the carport. Slowing, but surely, everything is taking shape in the front yard. Don't ask me about the back yard. It is a sty.

Harlem is at my feet, as usual. Such a sweet kitty. He doesn't act like this to me unless i am at the computer. He turns into mush kitty.

We are staying at John and Danielle's while they are away. Pool party, everyone.

Jason's mom and dad are coming up for a visit the first weekend of next month. Jason's dad has been calling every single day and he's so excited to visit. He even agree to paint our house. Knock yourself out. I guess I'll prob take Lynn out to Ikea or something. I think Jason and Bill should have some father and son bonding time.

Jason found salsa Lizano's!!!!!The Costa Rican Treat!!!!!! We need to buy it by the case, so we are never out again.

Elisha is raising chickens. She is so brave. I do wish I had access to free range chickens and farm fresh eggs. On second thought, I think I would just do the eggs. I don't eat anything I have to kill and pluck. Eggs don't count, because you don't pluck em. yuck yuck yuck

Jeremy leaves in three weeks for vet school. Another farewell lunch. I hope it's not at Steak and Ale, again. I won't eat there unless ale IS involved:)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Throw back BK Commercial!!!!!!

Last Sabado Gigante!!!!

Speaking of hobos

Okay, this is what I am talking about. Is the little kid dressed up like a hobo glamorous to a child or what? You decide.

Sabado gigante!!!!!!!

Saturday was a great day. We went out in service with Rose and Harold. Excellent breakfast at the Potato Patch. I had a really nice call on Barbie. I think I will get her to study. She is extremely nice.

We had grandma, mom and dad over for the annual eating of the honey baked ham. There is nothing in this world like a honey baked ham. It is delicious. I think they put crack in it. My dad spent the entire afternoon watching I Love the New Millinieum. I know it is spelled wrong, oh well. I think he really got a kick out of the G.W.Bush impersonator. I knew he would. It is funny that my 80 year old grandma knows more about pop culture than all of us. She was rattling on about High School Musical, Coldplay, Gwenneth Paltrow. Jason was quite impressed. Back in the day, she subscribed to Rollingstone. She is quite pop culture savvy.

I was just thinking about something i learned in kindergarten. You know, they say that all you need to know is learned then. I remember specifically that we learned about hobos. I remember coloring a picture of one, and remember in detail Ms. Bose telling us hobos are the men that live on the road and eat of of a tin can. They have ragged clothes and carry their tin cans in a handkerchief on a stick. That has been my impression of a hobo all my life. In reality, hobos, for the most part, are what people call bums or homeless. Most of them are drunks. At least, all the ones I know that don't have a specific mental problem. Anyway, I was just wondering if that whole kindergarten exercise was developed so that we don't get the wrong idea about people who are homeless. I mean, the way hobos were described when I was 5 was sort of glamorous. I think I even wanted to be a hobo when I grew up.

It's just funny the things you remember.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

More lives than a bag of dead kittens.....

I've spent the day outside in my yard. The garden is coming together nicely. I am so glad I have preexisting plants in my yard. I went to Lowe's and I gasped at how much plants cost. I think Kristine gave me about 100 dollars worth of irises. I have about 300 dollars worth of mondo grass, and 50 or 60 dollars in ivy. Not to mention the crape myrtle or the lilies. Good night. I should be thankful.

I spent my "garden money" on mulch. I've mulched all my beds and I am half way done with the big bed around my tree in the front. I am really sick of the construction worker by my house. I don't prejudge people, but they are just creepy. I hate it when they stare while they eat lunch. So wish they would just go away.

My grandma is coming over on Saturday for dinner. I guess that is why I'm in such a hurry to make the yard pretty. Grandma is a garden buff.

I hate printers. My printer won't work unless all the cartridges have ink. I just replaced the black ink this afternoon and my yellow cartridge went out. Now I can't print my Coldplay tickets. Dommage.

I have some issues that I am dealing with. A few people have offended me. I am trying not to take it out on the world and everyone around me. I am not doing such a good job with that. I have a bad attitude towards a few people (they will remain nameless) That attitude needs to go away. It really makes me a miserable person. I need to not take myself so seriously. I just get tired when people have the need to talk about me behind my back and nit pick. It really drives me crazy. I know I need to get over it. I guess that is why I spent the day by myself today. Dommage, again

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Quantom weekend

We had an excellent weekend. We didn't do much else but relax. We got to Sebastian at about 3. Robin and I went to the mall as Dave and Jason went to visit their dad. They had a nice visit. I bought 120 dollars worth of Victoria Secret goodies for a whopping 50 bucks. I know, it is overpriced to begin with, but it's mental thing. Very nice stuff, I mind you.

We went to this really cool wine bar called Inlet Wines. I actually did a beer testing, which further reminded me that I don't like beer. Not fancy beer, not Blue Ribbon, not Miller Light. All of it is nasty to my palate. Robin and I shared a bottle of the Vintner's white. So so good. Bubba met us there and we met a music enthuisist from Chicago named Chris. I think his name was Chris. He was really up on all kinds of music, esp the kind Jason and I love. All kinds. He got me interested in the Little Miss Sunshine soundtrack. I need to download it. We ended up playing music on the digital jukebox at Sharkey's until way past 1am. We are party animals.

Yesterday, we hung out at Brian and Vicky's in Palm Bay. They have s0.uch a cute baby. Later that evening, another couple came over with their cute baby. I had my cute baby fix for now. We laid out by the pool and munched on chicken and burgers and dogs. Chris Flood came over, too. He's coming to stay with us for a week at the end of the month. He and J are doing some house party for Julie.

We didn't get back to Dave and Robin's house until midnight. This morning, we got up and had breakfast at 10. We left at 11:30. We made excellent time.

It's so nice to get away for the weekend. we haven't had much of a chance to do that with all of our responsibilities. It does keep one out of trouble. The cat were happy to see us. Harlem was more excited about all the new underwear. He's a perv cat.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

It was just sitting around thinking....

I know that is a dangerous thing for me to be doing. Ahhhh! Movies with awful endings, in my opinion. My opinion doesn't really count for much, but oh well. It's just what I've been thinking of being home sick from work.

She's So Lovely- I hate this movie. It really propitiates the stereotype that the girl always falls for the bad boy. I really didn't get this movie at all. It made me want to shoot myself.

Unfaithful- I really don't like movies about cheating of any sort, unless it is cheating at sports. In that case, it's ok. I really despised both the husband and the wife in this movie. I think they should have both been shot.

Castaway- I love love love this movie. I hate the ending. It is a beautiful story of survival and that is great and all. I just hate that he is rescued and the girl of his dreams is gone. It really just rips my heart out.

House of Sand and Fog- Great acting, again, just no one wins at all at the end of this one. I want to shoot myself at the end of this one, too.

Well, so much for the chipper blog for this holiday weekend. I'm going to be in south fla for r and r. I'll be back Sunday.
