So we've wrapped up what has been considered one of the coldest winters in central Florida. Brrrrrrrr. Yes, it's nothing compared to what all my friends up north dealt with, but we've experienced one cold snap that didn't last for 3 weeks. The sleet and snow flurries were quite a treat. I really loved making the sleet man that lasted for almost two days on my patio.
I am so ready to dig my hands into the soil and really garden this year. Marigolds will go around the mailbox in the front. The front yard was a tad too sunny for the impatiens and they all melted away in the heat and cold last year. R.I.P., dear impatiens. You succumbed to my wrath of bad gardenership.
I am sad to say that I think my Ipod has bid adieu. I dropped it one too many times in the yard and it will not stay charged. I will have to work in the yard to the sound of the many song birds in my natural aviary.
I spotted two large nests in the tree on the west side of my yard. Perhaps it's the owls. Ah, the pair of owls are allowed to stay around, as long as they pay a blind eye to stray kittens in the woods as food.
Work has been strangely so busy. It is nice to have an extra set of hands. I have to remind myself constantly that my work at the vet's office is my avocation, not my vocation. I have to constantly remind myself to do my work and not be too involved in all the drama. It can be so hard to have the right attitude.
I have also decided to start taking Omega 3 Fatty acids and vitamins on a regular basis. Vitamins are a hard thing for me to keep up with. I cannot stand the taste of them. I always get a giggle from people when I tell them I must eat chewable. I am such a wimp about pills.
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