Oh, the time of year I look forward to every single time it comes around. It's a time of year when the seasons begin to click. Well, as much as a season can click in the state of Florida. It is nice to be able to open your windows and feel the crisp, coolness of the morning air.
This type of weather has really affected what I want to listen to music-wise. I've been craving Jamie Cullum, Radiohead, Norah Jones, and Adele. Something with a jazzy, slightly sad basis always goes well with the changing of the seasons.
I really have enjoyed Pandora, but I need to find an affordable alternative to buying downloads. I tried Napster and Rhapsody, but they only allow you to stream your music from an Ipod Touch. Napster does give you so many download credits per how many months you sign up, but you only get up to like 64 if you sign up for a whole year. I just want access to downloadable music that is easy, affordable, and legal. I've said goodbye to my Limewire days.
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