Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ode to the Cold that WILL NOT DIE!!!!!!!

Okay, I am a really big "take your vitamins so you won't get sick" sort-of girl. I've been very faithful in that regard. However, I got the cold that would not die. I can say it started on October 25th, a day after I hung out with our friends who happened to have a baby getting over a cold. I held him a lot and I think he dripped his sippy cup into my Barcardi/Juice. For 3 days I had a hellish sore throat and cough. I did go to the doctor and they prescribed a Z-pack. Thankfully, I eluded the strep virus once again. By the way, never, ever google images of strep. You with wish you hadn't.

So it's November 21st, 4 weeks after first being infected. I've had the nagging cough, nasal discharge, and sneezing. I know I can chuck a lot of it up to allergies, but this is ridiculous. Jason started getting the funk a few days ago, which only re-infected me. I had all these lustrous plans to shop my Saturday afternoon away at Ikea. I only stayed in bed and took cold medicine and drank tea.

I also took the time to make a killer Peanut butter and Jelly Pie from the Publix flier this week. Absolutely to die for, if I might add. Never mind that it has a million grams of fat per slice. It's totally worth it. My only gripe is that the flier did not specify what size graham cracker crust to get. I got an 8" at Aldis. It wasn't until I layer my second layer of yummy peanut butter/condensed milk/ coolwhip/ cream cheese mixture that I realized my pie would be over flowing. I made such a mess, but the pie was salvage-able.

My whole body is so numb this weekend from the large amount of rest I've received. I am almost too tired to go to sleep, if that makes any sense. Jason said it would be good for me to rest this weekend since I have been running full speed for the last few months. We both have. After weekends of visiting family, Jason giving several public talks, and other dramas, it has taken a toll on our bodies. He recently had to go to the doctor for a chronic eye twitch. I told him it happens when you get stressed, but he wanted a professional opinion. I gave him mine, but I guess I should have charged him a co-pay. Now the doctor wants him to get bloodwork and go see a specialist. Talk about milking people for their insurance. Isn't our medical system great?

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