Saturday, January 29, 2011

Working out is working out

I finally completed my first work week of working out. I am so glad to have Elaine as a workout buddy. Jason and I finally made the switch from "Ghetto Fitness" to LA Fitness. I know I really shouldn't care if the gym is fancy or not, but it does motivate me to get up and go to a place that has a pool and doesn't smell of sweat and cologne. My schedule is M W F at 5:30 am. I still meet Jason on Tues and Thurs to work out together. I do think I will ditch him on Thursdays to do the 4:30 mat pilates class. Super.

We've finally finalized the Girl's Weekend Spectacular with Gill, Niki, and Mesha. I am dying to see them again. I can't believe it's been 10 years since we went our different ways. Wow, where does the time go? Gillian and I are flying to Greensboro on a Thursday morning and Niki is picking us up. Then, off to Boone, NC to spend 2 days in a luxury mountain condo. Mesha really wanted to do something a little more rugged. She loved my creek side cabin website that I found and linked to the rest of the girls. She said it was the closest thing to camping she'd get, since Jonathan isn't the outdoor-sy type. Nikisha, on the other hand, didn't think that we should stick ourselves way out in the sticks. I think the condo in the mountains is a great compromise. It's not really a compromise at all. I just wanted something with a hot tub. What goes better with mountains than a hot tub? Nothing, I tell you, nothing.

I've also made plans to go to NYC and Conn. in May. I can't believe we'll be away from home for 10 days. It's a long-awaited event. It will be so fun to go to Yankee Stadium (the new one) to see a Subway Series. Eat your heart out, Frank Valentine. Hahaha. I don't know what else we might do. Possibly the Met. I also was to try this place out, since I'm such a fan of Vodka. Russian Vodka Room

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