Yup, haven't had much time or subject to blog about lately. At work, for instance, much drama there is, but none of my own. Sigh.
I had the flu this weekend. It reminded me that I should have gotten the flu shot. I never find time in my busy schedule to do that. I felt like dying yesterday. The body aches were so I bad that I couldn't even get out of bed. I am feeling a little more human today.
I have 4 studies to report this month. So exciting. Two of the studies are making excellent progress. I felt bad to have canceled the one study today. I didn't want to share my germs with her.
I've started a novel. I am determined to finish it. It is sort of an adventure journey, but much research has to go into it. Many of the places I talk about I've never been to. It's been much fun. It is so fun to develop characters. They are loosely based on some of my friends and family. The main character is loosely based on myself. I've always wanted to be a librarian. What an exciting job.