Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Wednesday!!!!

Not much going on in the life of me. Possibly going to Pioneer school in about 2 weeks. I had to make the mad dash and figure some numbers to get the time off. That was a magic act. I should know something in the next day or so if it is a go.

This was a bad day for cats. We had it start off with Erin's cat dying at work first thing this morning. It was very tragic and put everyone on edge. That was followed by a fractious cat loose in our lobby. We had to pull out the kevlar oven mits and the anesthesia box to even touch it.

I had a lot of work to do in the back. So much work that I, in fact, had to change my clothes mid-day. I was smelling like a rose.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Guilt for Making Others Feeling Guilty

Over the weekend, one of my 7 outside cats got under our Pacifica as Jason pulled out to go to the gym. Unforth, Jason hit him and the cat ran into the woods. Jason didn't think much of it, since the cat made a mad dash for the woods. He looked around for a while, then went to the gym as I napped. When he came home, he told me what happened. I got worried when this usually food- motivated cat didn't come home for dinner, breakfast the next day, or the following meal. By Sunday night, I knew something was extremely wrong.

I was very angry with Jason for not telling me right away when it happened. Even though we weren't sure of the cat's fate, I made him feel extremely bad for not telling me sooner.

By Monday, I decided to make some fliers to spread around the neighborhood. Shelly at work made me feel a little more hopeful telling me the story of running over her Sam with an SUV and the tire landing on top of him. She had actually gotten out of her car before realizing that her tire was right on top of her cat. He's like 20 years old now. So I felt that maybe Four Socks was still out there.

My hope was crushed last evening when I saw a freshly dug patch in my front yard with a rock over it. When I went inside, my fears were realized. Jason was so upset . he even bought a beautiful bouquet of lilies and yellow roses with a plastic sunny face to ease the pain. I was so upset that I ran into the shower and cried for 20 minutes.

I didn't want to make him feel worse than he already did, but I did. I know how much he loved that cat. I was just so upset. What can you do?

I feel a lot better about it today, but now Jason is still sad. I know how guilty he feels. Now I feel bad that I made it worse. I guess only time will ease the pain. He was really an awesome cat. He had such an attitude and cool swirls on the side of his body. NO one could replace Four Socks, or affectionately know as Fat A@%.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Too Hot!!!!

It is seriously too hot this summer. I look at all my plants outside and desperately want to spend time to take care of them. Nope, sorry guys, you will be on your own. I'm inside watching stuff I DVRed and enjoying a nice glass of lemonade. Or wine.

My amarillos are blooming. I always thought they were yellow flowers, but my friend informed me that my pink lily-like plants were indeed amarillos. I don't think I am spelling it right, but oh well. I really don't care.

It's too hot to care.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Our friends are moving to Conn. and they couldn't take 2 of their desks. I inherited them last night and didn't rest until my old crappy desk was broken down and the 2 new desks were successfully integrated into my 2 bedrooms. They fit. I even rearranged and cleaned both rooms. There is so much room in our office/spareroom. I love space.

The old desk fell apart like a house of cards. It's so sad what junky craftsmenship we have in this country. No wonder all American car companies are going under.

Made yummy friendship cake. You know, the kind that takes 10 days to make. It was definitely yummy. Before it's made the batter smells like feet. Really disgusting.

Great with coffee.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Catch it!!!!

I just found out that a friend of mine moved to Bulgaria for work. Jason is actually toying with the idea of going there. Awesome. I've always wanted to go to Europe. Eastern Europe wasn't always my first choice, but now I'm intrigued. I don't even know much about Bulgaria. Looking at the map, it's awfully close to the middle east. I never really think of places like Iraq and Iran being close to Europe.

Plane tickets are so madly expensive, but at least we will have a place to stay. How expensive could Bulgaria be? Certainly not as expensive as Paris. It's just nice to know that it's actually an idea my husband is considering.
Now I'm doing all this research on Bulgaria. I love looking up info for a trip. I love to search for cheap airfare. See how low I can go. The search is probably my favorite part. I rarely get to book anything. It's kind of like window shopping.

Awake! had an amazing article on the Bulgarian town of Plovdiv, which is older than Rome, Carthage, and Constantinople. I will have to re-read that article with a different view.