Thursday, May 29, 2008

Someone else Lovvvveeeeee IKEA

Little Harlem loving the blue Ikea bag. I had to make a quick jaunt over there last week with my mom. There goes another 200 bucks. But.....I have a couch bed now.

Observations this week:

1. Synchronicity is not a word in the dictionary. It should have been a tip off for me each time I noticed it underlined in red.

2. Certain flies DO look like Bono. I'm not kidding. I thought it was a bad science experiment

3. I like rhubarb- with salt. I love to eat it like celery. Thanks for the rhubarb , Jacquie.

4. Gas continues to rise in price. I wish it meant less people on the road. Nope.

5. I love love love San Sebastian's Vinter's White wine. I could drink a whole bottle, if I wanted to.

6. Kobe beef is worth the money. I'll explain later. Just trust me on this.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Look out world, I'm coming to Ebay....

I have this crazy idea that I will sell all my worldly possessions on Ebay and be able to buy a car for myself with the profits. I know it's a far stretch, but I am willing to take on the challenge. I've never in my life had to pay a car payment. The way my situation is going, that is what will happen.

It is not an end of the world thing. I think I just want to lighten the burden by getting rid of some unwanted stuff. I'll even part with my wedding dress. Hey, I have about 10 million pictures of me in it. Plus, I don't think I'll ever wear it again. Unless I do a Mariah Carey and wear it in a video to make some sort of statement. Speaking of Mariah Carey, what is the deal with her and Nick Cannon? I don't get it.

So, when I look around my house, everything looks so organized, until you open the closets. aarrgghhh. That is the sound I make. I really is crazy how much stuff I hoard. I am always getting rid of clothes. Christina is always giving me more. She has been giving me clothes that I don't think I'll ever fit into. Size 4 Armani jeans?......No, don't think so, but I think they'd be a hot ticket on ebay. I have too too too much stuff.

I'll keep you posted on how my ebaying goes. As long as I don't start the buying on ebay. That would defeat the whole purpose.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Pictures from Friday's Concert

Compliments of The Orlando Sentinel

She's the next Angelina Jolie.....

It's official. Hello Kitty was made ambassador of tourism for Japan. This makes me want to fulfill my lifelong dream to go to Tokyo and see Puroland.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The only thing missing at Friday's show.....

With one breath, with one flow
You will know

A sleep trance, a dream dance,
A shared romance,

A connecting principle,
Linked to the invisible
Almost imperceptible
Something inexpressible
Science insusceptible
Logic so inflexible
Causally connectible
Yet nothing is invincible

If we share this nightmare
Then we can dream
Spiritus mundi

If you act, as you think,
The missing link

We know you, they know me

A star fall, a phone call,
It joins all,

It's so deep, it's so wide
Your inside

Effect without a cause
sub-atomic laws, scientific pause

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Just a Reminder during Brushfire season.....


The heart can think of no devotion
Greater than being shore to the ocean-
Holding the curve of one position,
Counting an endless repetition


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Classic In Living Color Skit

This was a show I WAS NOT allowed to watch as a kid. Seems tame now.

Blog spying again...

I was kind of sad yesterday. I found out 2 of my friends from high school are either separated or divorced. Plus, there are kids involved. It just makes me want to cry. For both parties, I know they have had a lot of stress and health problems. I don't know if they are going through some other crisis, but I just felt helpless for their situation.

My one friend had this little poem posted on her myspace page about losing your identity when you become someone's wife or mother. Maybe that is true in a sense, but I feel I am still the crazy individual I was before I changed my last name. I am still the same person who is OCD, obsessed with my cat, can't live without chocolate, hates grasshoppers, and loves my friends and family. Maybe I just don't get it. I am not here to judge. I really don't know what is going on. It's true that you don't really know what is going on in a relationship unless you are one of the two parties.

My brother has a friend with a daughter who is 2 1/2 years old. Her mother just abandoned her to live with her father. My mom was discussing with me how much of the philosophy of women's liberation also justifies leaving your role as a mother to fulfill your personal needs. I say to those who believe that: "Grow the hell up. You are an adult. You threw your personal pursuits away the day you laid down and conceived a child. Your life is no longer yours. You have given part of your life to that child. Now you have the sole responsibility as a parent to fulfill that obligation. It's not society's role to be a parent. It's yours. Deal with it. Or be like me and "just say no" to parenthood. It's a simple as that."

Just to clear things up, both of my friends are ,in my eyes, excellent parents. They give everything and anything for their kids. I think that is beautiful. I just wish I knew what was going on with their relationships with their spouses. I guess I should quit spying on their blogs and call. Then I'd know

Dear Mr. Sting,

Just reminding you of our date Friday night. I know thousands of people will also be there, but we know you are there just for me. It's been a while. I know you have a few other friends joining you. They are quite welcome. I remember fondly, sitting on the grassy knoll in West Palm. It was the summer of 2000. I was so young. Very immature I was. I just wished it was me who threw the panties on stage. You sang to me then. I promise, my husband won't mind.

Until our date, I'll just listen to you patiently on my iPod.


Your craziest fan

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Yeah, I can fly......

We went to see Iron Man yesterday. Did it live up to my expectations? Pretty much. Just a typical superhero action movie with one really talented suppose-to-be-in-an-
indie-film kinda actor. Yes, the very favorite-est actor, Robert Downey Jr. I'm just a little partial

We go to the Police concert this Friday. Can't wait. I have to behave myself with food. I had (gasp) two cheeseburgers yesterday. And I didn't even blink an eye at it. Scary.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Timeless Classic....Wayne's World Cliporama time

Not as fast as I used to be....

I spent the day after service with Evalyn, Elaine, and little Lyssie in Orlando on Tuesday. We had to hit up some Vietnamese food at Little Saigon before going to the Korean Market. I tried something different for a change. I had the soup with rice noodles and seafood. To tell the truth, it was a little bland until I put the red pepper in it. I think I'll go back to the chicken and rice with napa cabbage that I usually get.

We went next door to the Vietnamese market and I threatened to throw Lyssie in the barrel with the crayfish. "No, I don't want to go swimming with crabs." I almost threatened her again when she made me chase her through Woo Sung's in my heels. Yes, I'm not as fast as I used to be, especially in heels.

Debary congregation is meeting with us for the next month. We are going to be so packed on Sunday. It will be nice to have a full audience for my talk next week. Speaking of that, I need to get cracking on it.

I am so glad Evalyn is not moving. Not only is she my pipeline to kimchi, I would really miss her. OC just wouldn't be the same without her.

Back to training new employees.....ugh. At least Tabitha knows what she is doing and seems to be a good worker. Now, Jeremy isn't going to leave or vet school until the end of July. He only has to go to the campus in Gainesville one Wednesday a week. Not that I'm trying to get rid of him or anything. Another new girl is also trying to get into vet school. She seems really nice. But, she doesn't have much small animal experience outside of fish and some wildlife. "How does bathing a cat go?" "Depends on how the cat feels about a bath. Usually not good, but there are exceptions." 30 minutes later, I had a cat try to eat me because he didn't want a bath. I am one day going to learn to keep my mouth shut.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Another Special Assembly....

come and gone. We had a really nice weekend. We had David and his family staying with us. It was nice to spend time with friends and family for such a spiritual feast.

I am giving up my unwanted job as a matchmaker. I had a little to do with a little matchmaking this weekend. J and I even were chaperoning the ordeal. I am not mentioning names. I don't know how the match went. I am partly to blame for it. It really reminded me why I am glad I am no longer single. I never want to be that desperate again......

Work is the same dramz again. We have to find another person. Becca went to lunch and never came back. Rude. Good riddance.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

If I had known that it hurt so much.....

I guess the adage applies that you can't judge someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. A family member of mine is hurting deeply. For their privacy, I'll leave the details out. I just wish I would have known, so I could have done something. Sorry:(