It was such a nice reunion of us four; The Girls. I was pleasantly not surprised that we all remained unchanged in many ways. True, we've all grown up, married, had families, lives, and careers, but fundamentally, we remain the same. It was awesome to spend hours talking and going down memory lane without any distraction. The mountains were awesome. The moment we got to the condo, I was already making plans to come again. Of course, I was the one who couldn't stay up until 3 and sing karaoke and play Just Dance on the Wii. Mesha could outlast the energizer bunny on that. Niki, the prepared one, had dinner prepared and activities that were free. I wish I was that organized. Gillian was such a good companion, even when I did almost have a nervous breakdown in the airport. I will NEVER FLY Allegiant Air. They Stink!
For the most part, everything was excellent. I made picture albums for all the girls of old memories of Indiantown, West Palm, and all other craziness. Good Times........