Thursday, January 10, 2008

Seu Jorge

My sister has a connection with this artist and the movie "The Life Aquatic" which Jay rented for me last night. About 2 years ago, my sister from Miami called me to say she had some friends over the night before. She met an artist at the resort she works at and she enjoyed his music so much she invited him over to her house with his entourage. That artist was Seu Jorge, the artist featured in the movie "The Life Aquatic."

My sister said his posse consisted wannabe hippies and musicians. Christina and her roommate Lona are nothing of the sort. But they enjoyed his company as he played his guitar on her couch until 4 in the morning.

The point of me saying all this is that, who am I kidding? I really don't have a point. I'm just trying to name drop like Christina. No seriously, I did like the movie and I like Seu Jorge's music. It is very relaxing. The movie is in classic Wes Anderson style. A little creepy but always insightful. Besides, I llllloooooovvvvvveeeee Angelica Houston. Who doesn't?

Also loving the Juno Soundtrack. Has some great tracks including Belle and Sebastian and a great Buddy Holly song. Need to go see the movie now. As soon as we move- less than 48 hours. yeah!

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