Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ladie's Night

I went to Lindsay's house for a "Girl's Night." I haven't done one of those in a long, long time. It reminded me of the single days. All of us married ladies sitting around with chocolate masks on our faces, talking about Jane Austen movies. Colin Firth is soooooo hot. The leek soup and the cuke sammies were to die for. It was really a girlie evening. Elaine left the kid's with Jim. I think he was sour when Hoover called him at the last minute for a Magic game. Oh well.

Poor little Harlem is having a hard time after his neuter/declaw. He won't use the pine litter. He hates being confined to the master bath. I feel so bad, but he must heal first.

We're having a few couples over for dinner. We'll have a nice spread of food. Let's see:

pork chops
mashed potatoes
sweet potato casserole
corn on the cob
dinner rolls

And dessert, of course...

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