Thursday, March 6, 2008

So much to do.

The memorial campaign is going along swimmingly. My territory is almost complete.It is hard to believe. We actually have some very motivated pioneers in our hall. Since last year, we have 4 more pioneers. It's great to have so much support in the service. We have those who like to stay out past noon. Wonderful. Debbie is in Israel. Is it okay to hate her? Not really hate, just envy......Plus, Bev gave me a ton of oranges from her yard. Sweet! It's time for fresh juice for the Grey Goose.

Haven't heard from Gil since they got back from their honeymoon. I need to get my face wash back from her. Besides, I miss her.

I work this Saturday. I am rewarding myself by going to Ikea. I have my strategy in place. I need a bed, a lamp, shades, quilt cover, art and lunch. Not in that order, of course. Lunch is first. I just hope I'm not overdoing it. Jason and I are celebrating our anniversary (which was yesterday, 3 years) at Harry's on Saturday night. We don't have too much planned. He'll be going out on service on Sunday with Jim while I sleep in and go to the gym. He's so nice to me. I should really be a little nicer to him.

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