Sunday, September 14, 2008

Murder, Death and Mystery in Fern Park Fl

I have recently realized that a lot of crime happens in the little corridor of Casselberry/Fern Park. In the last year, we've had a woman (she happens to be a client and a Mary Kay lady, too) who stole a possible 1 1/2 million from the huge Catholic church in the area. We had a suicide of another client in the parking lot across the street. Another client had almost a half a million in jewels stolen from her car. We had the car thief in our parking lot last yea r. And just this week, a man was gunned down in front of his apartment building.

Fern Park isn't just for boobie bars any more. It's full of carnage.

I found a Southeastern Crowned snake on my patio this week. I'll have to post a pick. It is more yard work this am. I have to start posting a live journal like Elisha so I'll actually track my progress. Everyday, I think of the big task I have with this yard. It seems never ending.

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