Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Excercise Continues......

I've been very good. We are on week number 3 and I've only missed one day at the gym because of the rain. I've really enjoyed spinning class on Tuesday mornings. It's been exceptionally helpful to have a friend in Elaine. She's more addicted to the gym than myself. She'll meet me at 5:30 in the morning, go get the kids ready for school, and return for a class at 9. Talk about dedication.

I've been a little down on myself for the last few days. I don't know if it is the weather, hormones, or what. I've been dragging and very disgruntled. Jason is always trying to pull me out of it. He's such a saint. I know I need to change my perspective and just roll with it sometimes. The cardio has been loads of help. I am trying to eat better. I'm not changing everything in one single stroke, but there have been improvements. For instance, no more fake sugar. I am finishing off the diet sodas I do have in my cupboard, but after that, no more. No more Equal, or Sweet N Low, or any of the other fake junk. I've been using Stevia which is all natural. It tastes pretty good. In general, I've just cut back on the sweets. I've had a few sneaks here and there. Nothing major. I am not going to deprive myself. For instance, I'm going to have Mexican food with my mom today. I will just eat less and go more healthier on my options. I am trying to drink more water instead of tea and coffee. This is a really hard one for me, but water is better for you. I just can't do the absolute no coffee or tea thing. I don't want to be responsible for shooting someone because I didn't have my coffee.

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