Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ironman is Coming!!!!!!

Saw the trailer on youtube. I have to admit when I heard Robert Downey Jr. was going to do it, I was skeptical. Don't get me wrong, I loooovvvvve rdj, but I just couldn't see him pulling it off. I still think he got shafted in the '93 Oscars. He so deserved best actor for Chaplin. What an amazing performance. I love the movie, but I'm a tad biased since I am one of the biggest Chaplin fans and Robert Downey Jr. is one of my faves. So glad he's off the drugs.

Made coconut sticky rice with mangoes for Elaine and I to devour for dessert tonight. I hope it turned out well. If not, we have a ton of Kozy Shack tapioca to substitute. Hope it doesn't come to that.

Christina is coming into town tomorrow. I need to go visit her soon. Haven't been to Miami in 6 months. It's been too long. Would love to see Pheobers. She's such a crazy cat. Gil's wedding is less than a month away. I am so excited for her. Just hope the dress fits. Last try-on it was a tad too big. Guess I'll have to eat some pancakes for a few days before the wedding.

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