Friday, April 18, 2008

I don't feel like blogging....

but, I'll do it anyway. So, Friday night. I am exhausted. It has been a long, aggravating week. I did start on the lawn proj. Ja works tomorrow. I hope to go out early morning tomorrow. If not, it's Bagel King time. I really have to stop.

Found a cute shop in Sanford that is attached by a French Cafe. The owner is a very handsome older French guy. I asked him where he was from. He answered quickly, "Paris, the best city in the world!" I thought to myself, why are you in the hellhole of Sanford Fl? But I didn't voice it. I gave the cheesy, I have a dream to go there one day. He was all, "Go, take your mom." I said I had to think of my husband. He suggested we all go, and not to delay it. "Time is passing you by...."

I had to hear this from a middle aged French guy? Of course I know time is passing me by. It sounded so much better coming from him. I thought it was so cute how he punctuated his English with "Alors." So adorable. I did make me want to forget about being good with my credit cards and just book a trip right then and there. So much for being freespirited. Wouldn't be good for the budget.

I guess Chris Rock said it right. You have two choices in life: married and bored, or single and lonely. Ain't no happiness no where.

Seriously, I am not always bored. It is hard to define happiness. It is true that good relationships are boring in a sense. There is no mystery. There is so much routine. In an exciting relationship, you never know what tomorrow will bring. That can be scary.

At work, same old drama, natch. I wonder seriously if we will ever find a new person to hire. I would like to think so. It can get so frustrating. I guess you have to take crap like that one stupid day at a time and enjoy the time you have to yourself.

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