Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Summer of our Discontent....

It's amazing how you can get over a grudge or bad feelings if you really put your mind to it. The key is not to wallow. Wallowing in sorrows is so easy. It's like you enjoy the pain, almost. Anyway, enough said.

I am making the infamous pea soup tomorrow. I decided to put an entry in because I remembered I had the recipe in my blog sometime ago.

I wish I was going to Puerto Rico sometime soon. I miss the tropics. Beside, I am craving pinchos, those kabobs of seafood and other meat. And limbers. Basically what we called freeze cups iJthe hood.

I wanted to kill Dr. Mck and Andrew both today. They were totally ticked at each other and I couldn't get any work done. Enough family bonding time, please. It was still funny that I made Drew clean up the chair that the guy peed in. priceless.

Jonathan let me borrow the new Weezer Cd. Not bad. Weezer is always upbeat and happy.

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