Monday, September 1, 2008

2008 VMA dream

I had the craziest dream last night. I have been watching promos for the new vma's and I had no idea who the host was. Who is Russell Brand? Why is he hosting? so, my dream consisted of me being asked to be a dancer in one of the numbers, ala Mike Myers a couple years ago. I was at some kind of rehersal. It was some kind of pirate number. All the pirates were women. Kim Kardasian was also in the show. What a weird dream. On stage, there was this oversized pirate ship, but it was like one of those playskool toys from when you were a kid. On the pirate ship were all these weird fake animals. They reminded me of the claymation animals in the old Sinbad movies. Really freaky. I just had to get this all down so I wouldn't forget it. I don't know why I want to remember it. Just crazy, i guess.

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