Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Day off work, Ya'll

I know it is the first day of the service year. I always celebrate my labor day off by being off. I know that can sound pathetic. It is the lack of good quality sleep that is influencing me.

I so enjoyed Moske's visit this time. I now realize that I have been spelling his name wrong. Shame on me. His talk on Sunday was so cute. All the different kinds of dogs and how they can represent our actions. That talk wouldn't be the same if you used cats in the illustration. You have Siamese cats and calico cats, ragdolls, persians, Cornish Rex, Scottish folds. Nevermind........

I am working in the yard today. All of Moske's dog talk made me realize, yes, during the talk, that I need to tend to the front flower bed. It is empty. I think I'll be moving the mondo and the purple queen and finally cut down the dead azalea bush. I replace it with the decorative rock and the vine.

I love paying bills on line. Save a stamp. More for letter writing service.

We went to Chili's last night with Lindsay and Johnathan. I am so glad they came to our hall. I really like them both. I have to get my little mixer going in a few weeks for all the girls. You see, I have the bucket o mojito that needs to be cracked into. I really can't wait.

My cousin had the baby. William Jackson. 7 pounds, 14 oz. 20 inches long. With dark hair. That's all i know now. I need to go see him this week. if i put it off to long, he'll be leaving for college. It's a sad lot how fast little ones grow up.

I'll post a pic as soon as i can. I need to post a pic of my new babies. The new car and kitty Brooklyn.

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