Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Thursday!!!!

Today will be a great day in service. I am just going out on a limb and making myself be positive for a change. I think I'll be back on the healthy eating wagon again. Do you know I've have like 4 hamburgers in the last 2 weeks? I don't what the deal is with me and red meat lately. I am just craving hamburgers and greasy fries. And coffee drinks. It is driving me bonkers, but I haven't been drinking water, eating fruits and veggies, or working out as often. Maybe this is the ending of my "Summer of George."

In another direction, we are going to visit Flood and Jaime at the beginning of October. I don't mind visiting them. I just hate poker fest. I really dislike poker and everyone plays for hours on end. They really get into it. And if you are one of the rare few that doesn't like it, tough crap. You are stuck on your own. It really makes me cringe at the thought of going right now. I just wish I had money or the desire to shop and I would just spend the day at the mall. I guess the lack of desire is brought on by the lack of money. It's a vicious cycle.

Work has been pretty dull lately. Sadly, my office manager's mother died Sunday. Complications of COPD.

I do have a few things to look forward to. I am suppose to go to Savannah and DC next month to visit Charles and Nate. I miss my brother. I haven't seen him in 4 months. I haven't seen my grandfather in almost a year. We are going to see Coldplay in November, and we are going to stay a weekend by Disney to go to Animal Kingdom and the Food and Vino festival at Epcot. How I love the Cerveza Garden. I guess I could stand to let J play a few measly hours of poker. I could bring all my scrapbooking stuff and have a ball. Yeah, that will never happen.

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