Friday, September 19, 2008

More Dramz at the work place.......

sooooooooo, do you really want to know what happens when a lot of cranky underpaid women work together? You end up with a little thing called drama. Most people who know me know that I am very easygoing. I pretty much go with the flow and do what is asked of me. The only time I get annoyed is when people but their nose into my business or try to run the show when it is not their concern. Not everyone I work with is as laid back as I am. There is the rub. NOW, there is tension. I am not naming names. I just wish I could just go to work and be done with it.

I don't want to act like nothing bothers me or that I am a perfect employee. I have my own idiosyncratic mayhem that I do inflict on people. That could really drive someone up the wall. I do tend to talk a lot when I should shut up. I do stick my foot in my mouth. I do tend to be lazy every once in a while. Sue me. At least I don't make it a habit. I come to work and get what I am suppose to do done. I guess I view it as a means to an end and it doesn't control me. I can't say the same thing for others. I really can't say what makes other people tick. I really don't care, either.

I am just going to enjoy this weekend and have another glass of the San Sebastian Vintner's white.

Happy "Talk Like a Pirate Day"

Read Wil Wheaton's blog... It truly is funny.

listening to: The Hours- Narcissus Road

1 comment:

Missy said...

I quit my job last week and let me tell you, it was like being back in high school. Fifty year old women gossiping all day.