Thursday, January 1, 2009

My gift every morning on my way to work

I've always wanted to pull of to the side of the road on my way to work to take a picture of what I see on my way to work when I circle Lake Monroe. I want to do it, then I remember that I don't have my camera on hand. The road is quite dark and dangerous. Then there are the alligators in the swamp. Not that I am a wimp or anything. I just always want to capture the essence of the beautiful watercolor landscape that I see. The blues against the pinks are so striking. Then when you see the colors as the backdrop of a mangrove or a palm tree. The negative spaces are so intricate. I feel like I am writing a paper for AP Art History.

I don't think this picture does it justice. I didn't take it, and I give credit to the one who does.

I cleaned out my closet yesterday. What a cathartic process that can be. Why do I have so many clothes and shoes? When will I possibly wear all of them? I filled up a bag to give to a young sister in my hall. Most are things Christina gave me that I haven't found a use for wearing in the 9 months that I have possessed them. I did find a bunch of Jason's clothes hidden in the closet that he realized he had no use for. I also found a great Banana Republic sweater and a Micheal Kors sweater. I am going to make use of the Banana Republic one today. 55 degrees today, so I will be enjoying a sweater.

Everyone enjoy your day off, if you have it.

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