Flaming Globes of Bronxie
Adventures of the World's Greatest Cat, and Other Observations
Sunday, July 10, 2011
New York/ Connecticut Trip
The trip was a blast. I have been so busy and I let over a month to go by to report about it. Check out the previous entry to get the link to my Flickr account. I am too lazy at this point to set up a link. The few things I've learned on the trip. One: Connecticut is a funny word to spell. Never really thought about it before. Hahahaha. Two: The High Line was an awesome place to spend some time when you are in Manhattan. I was sad we just missed the opening of the new phase. Three: We have mastered the subway system. Out of necessity, Jason and I toted all our luggage and walked to Grand Central to then go to Penn Station to catch the LIRR. We saved ourselves probably a lot of money not taking a cab (none available anyway) and we got our morning exercise. Four: People from Georgia love to party!!!!Nuff Said.:)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The Gang Back Together 10 Years Later!!!!!

It was such a nice reunion of us four; The Girls. I was pleasantly not surprised that we all remained unchanged in many ways. True, we've all grown up, married, had families, lives, and careers, but fundamentally, we remain the same. It was awesome to spend hours talking and going down memory lane without any distraction. The mountains were awesome. The moment we got to the condo, I was already making plans to come again. Of course, I was the one who couldn't stay up until 3 and sing karaoke and play Just Dance on the Wii. Mesha could outlast the energizer bunny on that. Niki, the prepared one, had dinner prepared and activities that were free. I wish I was that organized. Gillian was such a good companion, even when I did almost have a nervous breakdown in the airport. I will NEVER FLY Allegiant Air. They Stink!
For the most part, everything was excellent. I made picture albums for all the girls of old memories of Indiantown, West Palm, and all other craziness. Good Times........
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The Excercise Continues......
I've been very good. We are on week number 3 and I've only missed one day at the gym because of the rain. I've really enjoyed spinning class on Tuesday mornings. It's been exceptionally helpful to have a friend in Elaine. She's more addicted to the gym than myself. She'll meet me at 5:30 in the morning, go get the kids ready for school, and return for a class at 9. Talk about dedication.
I've been a little down on myself for the last few days. I don't know if it is the weather, hormones, or what. I've been dragging and very disgruntled. Jason is always trying to pull me out of it. He's such a saint. I know I need to change my perspective and just roll with it sometimes. The cardio has been loads of help. I am trying to eat better. I'm not changing everything in one single stroke, but there have been improvements. For instance, no more fake sugar. I am finishing off the diet sodas I do have in my cupboard, but after that, no more. No more Equal, or Sweet N Low, or any of the other fake junk. I've been using Stevia which is all natural. It tastes pretty good. In general, I've just cut back on the sweets. I've had a few sneaks here and there. Nothing major. I am not going to deprive myself. For instance, I'm going to have Mexican food with my mom today. I will just eat less and go more healthier on my options. I am trying to drink more water instead of tea and coffee. This is a really hard one for me, but water is better for you. I just can't do the absolute no coffee or tea thing. I don't want to be responsible for shooting someone because I didn't have my coffee.
I've been a little down on myself for the last few days. I don't know if it is the weather, hormones, or what. I've been dragging and very disgruntled. Jason is always trying to pull me out of it. He's such a saint. I know I need to change my perspective and just roll with it sometimes. The cardio has been loads of help. I am trying to eat better. I'm not changing everything in one single stroke, but there have been improvements. For instance, no more fake sugar. I am finishing off the diet sodas I do have in my cupboard, but after that, no more. No more Equal, or Sweet N Low, or any of the other fake junk. I've been using Stevia which is all natural. It tastes pretty good. In general, I've just cut back on the sweets. I've had a few sneaks here and there. Nothing major. I am not going to deprive myself. For instance, I'm going to have Mexican food with my mom today. I will just eat less and go more healthier on my options. I am trying to drink more water instead of tea and coffee. This is a really hard one for me, but water is better for you. I just can't do the absolute no coffee or tea thing. I don't want to be responsible for shooting someone because I didn't have my coffee.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Working out is working out
I finally completed my first work week of working out. I am so glad to have Elaine as a workout buddy. Jason and I finally made the switch from "Ghetto Fitness" to LA Fitness. I know I really shouldn't care if the gym is fancy or not, but it does motivate me to get up and go to a place that has a pool and doesn't smell of sweat and cologne. My schedule is M W F at 5:30 am. I still meet Jason on Tues and Thurs to work out together. I do think I will ditch him on Thursdays to do the 4:30 mat pilates class. Super.
We've finally finalized the Girl's Weekend Spectacular with Gill, Niki, and Mesha. I am dying to see them again. I can't believe it's been 10 years since we went our different ways. Wow, where does the time go? Gillian and I are flying to Greensboro on a Thursday morning and Niki is picking us up. Then, off to Boone, NC to spend 2 days in a luxury mountain condo. Mesha really wanted to do something a little more rugged. She loved my creek side cabin website that I found and linked to the rest of the girls. She said it was the closest thing to camping she'd get, since Jonathan isn't the outdoor-sy type. Nikisha, on the other hand, didn't think that we should stick ourselves way out in the sticks. I think the condo in the mountains is a great compromise. It's not really a compromise at all. I just wanted something with a hot tub. What goes better with mountains than a hot tub? Nothing, I tell you, nothing.
I've also made plans to go to NYC and Conn. in May. I can't believe we'll be away from home for 10 days. It's a long-awaited event. It will be so fun to go to Yankee Stadium (the new one) to see a Subway Series. Eat your heart out, Frank Valentine. Hahaha. I don't know what else we might do. Possibly the Met. I also was to try this place out, since I'm such a fan of Vodka. Russian Vodka Room
We've finally finalized the Girl's Weekend Spectacular with Gill, Niki, and Mesha. I am dying to see them again. I can't believe it's been 10 years since we went our different ways. Wow, where does the time go? Gillian and I are flying to Greensboro on a Thursday morning and Niki is picking us up. Then, off to Boone, NC to spend 2 days in a luxury mountain condo. Mesha really wanted to do something a little more rugged. She loved my creek side cabin website that I found and linked to the rest of the girls. She said it was the closest thing to camping she'd get, since Jonathan isn't the outdoor-sy type. Nikisha, on the other hand, didn't think that we should stick ourselves way out in the sticks. I think the condo in the mountains is a great compromise. It's not really a compromise at all. I just wanted something with a hot tub. What goes better with mountains than a hot tub? Nothing, I tell you, nothing.
I've also made plans to go to NYC and Conn. in May. I can't believe we'll be away from home for 10 days. It's a long-awaited event. It will be so fun to go to Yankee Stadium (the new one) to see a Subway Series. Eat your heart out, Frank Valentine. Hahaha. I don't know what else we might do. Possibly the Met. I also was to try this place out, since I'm such a fan of Vodka. Russian Vodka Room
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
New Year/ New Ideas
So I'm not a resolution kind of person. Resolutions are always broken. I have decided to change things about the way I think, eat, and react. I got my inspiration from an article in last month's Whole Living Magazine. "28 Day Detox" The regimen is a little strict. The first week, you cut out all dairy, wheat glutten, peanut products, soy products, alcohol, fake sugar, caffeine, processed foods, eggs. So what is left? I want to do it, but I'm set up to fail, right?
I've decided to go to the gym everyday. I will get up at 5 on the days that I work and meet Elaine at Planet Fitness. What's so bad about getting up a half hour early. Then on the alternate days, I will go with Jason in the afternoon. I will pretty much stick to the Weight Watchers diet, but add more fruit and veggies, and cut alcohol to once a week for a treat. Plus, I'll try to drink more water and leave my coffee for the one cup in the AM. Let's see how that goes.
I'm also trying to wean myself off spending too much time surfing the internet and watching ridiculous stuff on TV. Only educational stuff. Let's see how that goes. Trying to put myself in a better frame of mind. Goodbye reality TV. It's been nice knowing you, but we have to break up.
I've decided to go to the gym everyday. I will get up at 5 on the days that I work and meet Elaine at Planet Fitness. What's so bad about getting up a half hour early. Then on the alternate days, I will go with Jason in the afternoon. I will pretty much stick to the Weight Watchers diet, but add more fruit and veggies, and cut alcohol to once a week for a treat. Plus, I'll try to drink more water and leave my coffee for the one cup in the AM. Let's see how that goes.
I'm also trying to wean myself off spending too much time surfing the internet and watching ridiculous stuff on TV. Only educational stuff. Let's see how that goes. Trying to put myself in a better frame of mind. Goodbye reality TV. It's been nice knowing you, but we have to break up.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Ode to the Cold that WILL NOT DIE!!!!!!!
Okay, I am a really big "take your vitamins so you won't get sick" sort-of girl. I've been very faithful in that regard. However, I got the cold that would not die. I can say it started on October 25th, a day after I hung out with our friends who happened to have a baby getting over a cold. I held him a lot and I think he dripped his sippy cup into my Barcardi/Juice. For 3 days I had a hellish sore throat and cough. I did go to the doctor and they prescribed a Z-pack. Thankfully, I eluded the strep virus once again. By the way, never, ever google images of strep. You with wish you hadn't.
So it's November 21st, 4 weeks after first being infected. I've had the nagging cough, nasal discharge, and sneezing. I know I can chuck a lot of it up to allergies, but this is ridiculous. Jason started getting the funk a few days ago, which only re-infected me. I had all these lustrous plans to shop my Saturday afternoon away at Ikea. I only stayed in bed and took cold medicine and drank tea.
I also took the time to make a killer Peanut butter and Jelly Pie from the Publix flier this week. Absolutely to die for, if I might add. Never mind that it has a million grams of fat per slice. It's totally worth it. My only gripe is that the flier did not specify what size graham cracker crust to get. I got an 8" at Aldis. It wasn't until I layer my second layer of yummy peanut butter/condensed milk/ coolwhip/ cream cheese mixture that I realized my pie would be over flowing. I made such a mess, but the pie was salvage-able.
My whole body is so numb this weekend from the large amount of rest I've received. I am almost too tired to go to sleep, if that makes any sense. Jason said it would be good for me to rest this weekend since I have been running full speed for the last few months. We both have. After weekends of visiting family, Jason giving several public talks, and other dramas, it has taken a toll on our bodies. He recently had to go to the doctor for a chronic eye twitch. I told him it happens when you get stressed, but he wanted a professional opinion. I gave him mine, but I guess I should have charged him a co-pay. Now the doctor wants him to get bloodwork and go see a specialist. Talk about milking people for their insurance. Isn't our medical system great?
So it's November 21st, 4 weeks after first being infected. I've had the nagging cough, nasal discharge, and sneezing. I know I can chuck a lot of it up to allergies, but this is ridiculous. Jason started getting the funk a few days ago, which only re-infected me. I had all these lustrous plans to shop my Saturday afternoon away at Ikea. I only stayed in bed and took cold medicine and drank tea.
I also took the time to make a killer Peanut butter and Jelly Pie from the Publix flier this week. Absolutely to die for, if I might add. Never mind that it has a million grams of fat per slice. It's totally worth it. My only gripe is that the flier did not specify what size graham cracker crust to get. I got an 8" at Aldis. It wasn't until I layer my second layer of yummy peanut butter/condensed milk/ coolwhip/ cream cheese mixture that I realized my pie would be over flowing. I made such a mess, but the pie was salvage-able.
My whole body is so numb this weekend from the large amount of rest I've received. I am almost too tired to go to sleep, if that makes any sense. Jason said it would be good for me to rest this weekend since I have been running full speed for the last few months. We both have. After weekends of visiting family, Jason giving several public talks, and other dramas, it has taken a toll on our bodies. He recently had to go to the doctor for a chronic eye twitch. I told him it happens when you get stressed, but he wanted a professional opinion. I gave him mine, but I guess I should have charged him a co-pay. Now the doctor wants him to get bloodwork and go see a specialist. Talk about milking people for their insurance. Isn't our medical system great?
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