Monday, April 28, 2008
This is the best show on tv......until it gets cancelled.
A little bit Ally McBeal, a little musical comedy. Who coundn't love a show that has George freaking Michael as a recurring character?
Saturday, April 26, 2008 al.
What teenage boys won't do for a few bucks. I had my entire front yard raked for 50 bucks. I know it sounds like a lot, but 2 of them worked for 6 hours. They really did a nice job, too. I wasn't spared from work. I spent my Sat. afternoon painting my bathroom. I now know why painting and I broke up 7 years ago. I hate painting. I painted my bedroom at my parents house 7 years ago. I vowed, "never again." Funny how we forget. Anyway, it does look really nice. I think I will buy myself a nice shelf, a towel ring and some new switch plates. Now I'm getting carried away.
Dave and Robin are coming up for the assembly next weekend. I can't wait. I think I'll set them up in the office on the inflatable mattress. Haven't bought the sofa bed from Ikea yet. I want to go back, but I need to plan it.
I wonder what the special announcement is at the meeting tomorrow. Everyone is speculating. I am not much of a conspiracy theorist. It is no surprise to me that times are getting critical. We are down to the wire, so to speak. Nothing really comes as a shock to me. I think it will just be direction. That is what we all need. It is just time for us to stick close to one another and give each other the support we all need. That is what I think. Or, maybe we are getting a special pioneer couple. That would be awesome.
Todd came over and had beers with Jason while I painted. Deb came over later. Hope she didn't think I was rude. I was up to my elbows in choco-brown paint. (Seriously, it was all over me.)
I feel bad. I let the flowers that Evalyn gave me die. I didn't mean to. I really don't have a green thumb, no matter how much I try to tell myself that I love gardening. I can't keep anything alive. For some reason, the impatiens that I planted have taken off. Kristine said that they do great if they just have dirt to grow in. There you go.
Dave and Robin are coming up for the assembly next weekend. I can't wait. I think I'll set them up in the office on the inflatable mattress. Haven't bought the sofa bed from Ikea yet. I want to go back, but I need to plan it.
I wonder what the special announcement is at the meeting tomorrow. Everyone is speculating. I am not much of a conspiracy theorist. It is no surprise to me that times are getting critical. We are down to the wire, so to speak. Nothing really comes as a shock to me. I think it will just be direction. That is what we all need. It is just time for us to stick close to one another and give each other the support we all need. That is what I think. Or, maybe we are getting a special pioneer couple. That would be awesome.
Todd came over and had beers with Jason while I painted. Deb came over later. Hope she didn't think I was rude. I was up to my elbows in choco-brown paint. (Seriously, it was all over me.)
I feel bad. I let the flowers that Evalyn gave me die. I didn't mean to. I really don't have a green thumb, no matter how much I try to tell myself that I love gardening. I can't keep anything alive. For some reason, the impatiens that I planted have taken off. Kristine said that they do great if they just have dirt to grow in. There you go.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sometimes it feels like dying.....
The school has been such an encouragement to me. The part on murmuring seems to be looking right at me. Murmuring focuses our minds on ourself and our troubles and pushes into the background the blessings we have. Why didn't I read this like a week ago? Something I really need to work on.
I agree I have to make a huge attitude adjustment on things. I just had a reality check last week. It really pulled me back and I had to take an honest look at myself. Instead of taking the point of counsel to heart, I was mad. I thought it was unjustified. I couldn't I believe it. I am not even having a good week to begin with. And now, this......At first I just took it out on Jason. It is sad that we wives do that. I had to realize that it is not his fault. This was about me and what my problem is. That is it. He is just there to support and encourage me. He does that so well. He has so many responsibilities now and I have to be there for him, too.
I am really mad about my f and r key on my laptop. Just this week they have decided to stick. So if you see a missing r or f, you know why. It is my fault.
A Metaphor's forcefulness is enhanced by its brevity. I want to use more metaphors in my everyday speech. Nothing to trite.
LL's wedding was beautiful Sat. night. I really enjoy the smallness of it. The food was great. The cake was divine. Must go to Clara's Cakes in Casselberry. I've never had a better wedding cake. Wedding cake, for me, is kind of a calorie waster. But this cake was well worth the caloric intake. I'll post pics soon.
I agree I have to make a huge attitude adjustment on things. I just had a reality check last week. It really pulled me back and I had to take an honest look at myself. Instead of taking the point of counsel to heart, I was mad. I thought it was unjustified. I couldn't I believe it. I am not even having a good week to begin with. And now, this......At first I just took it out on Jason. It is sad that we wives do that. I had to realize that it is not his fault. This was about me and what my problem is. That is it. He is just there to support and encourage me. He does that so well. He has so many responsibilities now and I have to be there for him, too.
I am really mad about my f and r key on my laptop. Just this week they have decided to stick. So if you see a missing r or f, you know why. It is my fault.
A Metaphor's forcefulness is enhanced by its brevity. I want to use more metaphors in my everyday speech. Nothing to trite.
LL's wedding was beautiful Sat. night. I really enjoy the smallness of it. The food was great. The cake was divine. Must go to Clara's Cakes in Casselberry. I've never had a better wedding cake. Wedding cake, for me, is kind of a calorie waster. But this cake was well worth the caloric intake. I'll post pics soon.
Friday, April 18, 2008
I don't feel like blogging....
but, I'll do it anyway. So, Friday night. I am exhausted. It has been a long, aggravating week. I did start on the lawn proj. Ja works tomorrow. I hope to go out early morning tomorrow. If not, it's Bagel King time. I really have to stop.
Found a cute shop in Sanford that is attached by a French Cafe. The owner is a very handsome older French guy. I asked him where he was from. He answered quickly, "Paris, the best city in the world!" I thought to myself, why are you in the hellhole of Sanford Fl? But I didn't voice it. I gave the cheesy, I have a dream to go there one day. He was all, "Go, take your mom." I said I had to think of my husband. He suggested we all go, and not to delay it. "Time is passing you by...."
I had to hear this from a middle aged French guy? Of course I know time is passing me by. It sounded so much better coming from him. I thought it was so cute how he punctuated his English with "Alors." So adorable. I did make me want to forget about being good with my credit cards and just book a trip right then and there. So much for being freespirited. Wouldn't be good for the budget.
I guess Chris Rock said it right. You have two choices in life: married and bored, or single and lonely. Ain't no happiness no where.
Seriously, I am not always bored. It is hard to define happiness. It is true that good relationships are boring in a sense. There is no mystery. There is so much routine. In an exciting relationship, you never know what tomorrow will bring. That can be scary.
At work, same old drama, natch. I wonder seriously if we will ever find a new person to hire. I would like to think so. It can get so frustrating. I guess you have to take crap like that one stupid day at a time and enjoy the time you have to yourself.
Found a cute shop in Sanford that is attached by a French Cafe. The owner is a very handsome older French guy. I asked him where he was from. He answered quickly, "Paris, the best city in the world!" I thought to myself, why are you in the hellhole of Sanford Fl? But I didn't voice it. I gave the cheesy, I have a dream to go there one day. He was all, "Go, take your mom." I said I had to think of my husband. He suggested we all go, and not to delay it. "Time is passing you by...."
I had to hear this from a middle aged French guy? Of course I know time is passing me by. It sounded so much better coming from him. I thought it was so cute how he punctuated his English with "Alors." So adorable. I did make me want to forget about being good with my credit cards and just book a trip right then and there. So much for being freespirited. Wouldn't be good for the budget.
I guess Chris Rock said it right. You have two choices in life: married and bored, or single and lonely. Ain't no happiness no where.
Seriously, I am not always bored. It is hard to define happiness. It is true that good relationships are boring in a sense. There is no mystery. There is so much routine. In an exciting relationship, you never know what tomorrow will bring. That can be scary.
At work, same old drama, natch. I wonder seriously if we will ever find a new person to hire. I would like to think so. It can get so frustrating. I guess you have to take crap like that one stupid day at a time and enjoy the time you have to yourself.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Compost away......
I'm starting a compost. I can't believe we throw away such valuable fertilizer everyday. I've found some really helpful websites. If you go to Mount Vernon, you see that George Washington also composted. Most farmers at that time did. Keeping it real, or organic, as you would say. Just say no to fertilizers......
Monday, April 14, 2008
The Ringneck snake
The yard does take shape
I finally started on my yard project. I snipped away all the palmetto bushes. They are so white trash. Jonathan came over and weedwacked and cut the yard. I moved rocks. Yes, rocks. My place is the real Rock City that everyone pays to see. Yes, I make those little red houses that people have in their yard. My yard has so many rocks.
I found my first snake in the yard. He was tiny and hiding under a rock. So cute, really. I thought I killed it because I picked up the rock, saw the snake, and dropped it on top of him. I dug the little guy out and picked him up with a stick. He lay kind of stiff and then began to move around. He had a yellow and orange belly and a yellow ring around his head. I'll have to put a picture of him up. He was cute. I finally quit teasing him and let him wander in amongst the rocks.
What I found in the yard today!!!! It is always some kind of treasure. Today, I found an old birdcage that was collapsed, a rake head, a curler, and of course, the snake. I sounds like I have a junkyard for a yard but I don't. It is just full of treasures and surprises. Don't be jealous
I found my first snake in the yard. He was tiny and hiding under a rock. So cute, really. I thought I killed it because I picked up the rock, saw the snake, and dropped it on top of him. I dug the little guy out and picked him up with a stick. He lay kind of stiff and then began to move around. He had a yellow and orange belly and a yellow ring around his head. I'll have to put a picture of him up. He was cute. I finally quit teasing him and let him wander in amongst the rocks.
What I found in the yard today!!!! It is always some kind of treasure. Today, I found an old birdcage that was collapsed, a rake head, a curler, and of course, the snake. I sounds like I have a junkyard for a yard but I don't. It is just full of treasures and surprises. Don't be jealous
Sunday, April 13, 2008
T to Comp, Baby!
So, another successful dj gig on Saturday night. Jas and I did a graduation party. It went really well. We played a lot of really good music. The weather was so nice in Ponce Inlet. It really made me miss living by the beach. I lived 2 years by the beach. I can't beleive I did and didn't take real advantage of it. The air was so sweet. I really made me want to sleep on the beach for just one more night......
I made fresh squeezed grapefruit juice. So nice. My kitchen had the smell of sweet citrus. There is nothing like it. I believe if you live in Florida, you should never have to pay for anything made with citrus fruit. I believe it is the the 8th deadliest sin.
We had a really great meeting today. It is so wonderful to know that we have a God of comfort.
I watched Once. What a cute love story. I think mom would like it. She is also into crazy independent films that are all about the dialog. I will have to get the soundtrack, stat.
Jas a I went to the Brickhouse. They make a great dirty martini. Extra olives, please.
I really don't want to go to work tomorrow. The weekends just go by too quickly.
Soooooooo.......I start on the yard this weekend. I think Jason recruited Jonathan to help me. I have a plan to take one section at a time and try to spend as little money as possible. I know I'll need to invest in some garden gloves and a shovel. I think one thing I'll definitely do is move all the ornamental rocks around the trees and remulch those areas and the beds. I think I'll put some step stones leading to the backyard. I will also mulch the existing beds and maybe move some mondo grass around. I think I'll move some of the impatiens to the front yard. I think I will plant some irises too. Gosh, I love spring.
Jason has so many responsibilities now. He has been so busy lately. I am happy for him. I just hope he doesn't burn out.
We had an awful dinner at Inlet Harbor last night. DO NOT try the creme brule. It totally sucked. Not worth $6.95. I could have made better creme brule with egg beaters and a bic lighter in a cool whip container. Sucked, sucked, sucked. I would have eaten my Swiss Miss pudding instead. I won't be going there for a really long time. So disappointing. The day was beautiful and we had a beautiful view of the inlet.
Yankees lost, suck, yet again.
The Mother Goose and Grimm comic from last week was a trip. Everyone knows my love for Hello Kitty. I love the way the comic portrayed her. As a Paris Hilton wannabe. So hilarious.
I wonder how the LLCoolJ show was this weekend. I'll have to ask Erin about it tomorrow. So hot........
Ciao for now
I made fresh squeezed grapefruit juice. So nice. My kitchen had the smell of sweet citrus. There is nothing like it. I believe if you live in Florida, you should never have to pay for anything made with citrus fruit. I believe it is the the 8th deadliest sin.
We had a really great meeting today. It is so wonderful to know that we have a God of comfort.
I watched Once. What a cute love story. I think mom would like it. She is also into crazy independent films that are all about the dialog. I will have to get the soundtrack, stat.
Jas a I went to the Brickhouse. They make a great dirty martini. Extra olives, please.
I really don't want to go to work tomorrow. The weekends just go by too quickly.
Soooooooo.......I start on the yard this weekend. I think Jason recruited Jonathan to help me. I have a plan to take one section at a time and try to spend as little money as possible. I know I'll need to invest in some garden gloves and a shovel. I think one thing I'll definitely do is move all the ornamental rocks around the trees and remulch those areas and the beds. I think I'll put some step stones leading to the backyard. I will also mulch the existing beds and maybe move some mondo grass around. I think I'll move some of the impatiens to the front yard. I think I will plant some irises too. Gosh, I love spring.
Jason has so many responsibilities now. He has been so busy lately. I am happy for him. I just hope he doesn't burn out.
We had an awful dinner at Inlet Harbor last night. DO NOT try the creme brule. It totally sucked. Not worth $6.95. I could have made better creme brule with egg beaters and a bic lighter in a cool whip container. Sucked, sucked, sucked. I would have eaten my Swiss Miss pudding instead. I won't be going there for a really long time. So disappointing. The day was beautiful and we had a beautiful view of the inlet.
Yankees lost, suck, yet again.
The Mother Goose and Grimm comic from last week was a trip. Everyone knows my love for Hello Kitty. I love the way the comic portrayed her. As a Paris Hilton wannabe. So hilarious.
I wonder how the LLCoolJ show was this weekend. I'll have to ask Erin about it tomorrow. So hot........
Ciao for now
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Really cute

I don't know why I find all these cute cross species mother/child bonding things so amusing. Well, it brightened my day. I got quite a few calls and texts from friends today. It made me feel popular, something that I am not. As long as my husband and my cats love me, that is all that matters.
Today was busy. Some days, there is never enough time. Some days are better than others, Bono says. That is true. I did find the Lizano's salsa online. It is going to cost me a little more that 10 bucks a bottle. Jason is desperate for it. He wants to make his world famous chicken.
I have so much to do tomorrow. I can't add another thing to the list.
My dinner was delicious. Potato pancake crisps and the rest of my tiramisu. Not exactly healthy. I am trying that unfiltered raw organic apple cider vinaeger thing to cut cravings. I don't know if it will work, but it is worth a shot.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
My, how he's grown.......

That's my little one. I can't believe he's 6 months. They don't stay kittens for long. He has the longest legs, and the longest, fluffiest tail. He's so sweet and he has made Bronx a better kitty. I just wish they wouldn't chew on things. It's so funny to watch Harlem contemplate the Pepsi like it's a chess game. He is really looking at the little bubbles, but he looks at it so seriously. I love my little man.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
this is from John Mayer to "a certain someone special" (aka Perez Hilton) is this the proof that they made out? Regardless, I'd rather see him with John Mayer than Jessica Simpson. That was more of a disappointment.
Some St. Aug Pics

It was such a delightful weekend. I really wish I would have found a better bed and breakfast. I thought I did all my research. The breakfast was lame and the room was small. Good thing we only planned to sleep and bathe there. The jacuzzi tub was kind of awesome.
St. Aug was almost as I remembered it 18 years ago. I think I like it a lot better as an adult. We went to this really cool cigar bar/ jazz club on Friday night called Stogies. What a name. Very hip. We were adventurous and stay out until almost midnight. I can't say the same about Saturday night. Well... remember the earlier post with the pretty Cosmo? Guess what happens when you walk around in the sun all day and have like 3 of those on an empty stomach? You got it. We totally skipped out on dinner that night and had pizza in our room. Total bummer but we had a great Sunday. After packing up, we headed to the Lightner Museum and bummed around there for a few hours. The weather was crappy. I am surprised the pictures even came out.
After the musee, we went to Crab Grabbers..Love the name. Had a really good shrimp po'boy. delish. and you must have New England clam chowder any time the weather is bad. It just feels right.
The empty mind
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Depression does hurt.......
Depression does hurt.......
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