I really caught up on a little sleep time yesterday. For all of the people that know me, I love my sleep. I have also battled a cold and some sort of intestinal thing for the last 3 weeks and week, consecutively. I also had to work and had a boat load of company in my house. I have been a real crab. I have to admit that I got in a minor fight with my husband on Friday night, and drove the rest of my company home early. It was really nothing. They couldn't decide if they were going to leave then or the following morning. I sort of made the decision for them. Hahahah.
Yesterday, I went in my bedroom at about 6 pm. I watched tv, read my new book, and went to bed at about 8 o clock. It was soooooo nice. To finally catch up on sleep and feel rested. There is nothing like it in the world.
If only I could get rid of this cough.....Annoying as hell.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I'm In a Reading Mood.
I really hate this time of year sometimes. All the holiday music and red and green really start to make me sick 2 days after Thanksgiving. However, I did find the illustrated edition of Marley and Me at Books a Million for 10 bucks. Everyone I've spoken to says that it is a great read, but sad. I would like to read it before I see the movie.
I also picked up
We had a nice breakfast with my family before Christina and Alex went home. Alex seems really nice and Christina seems very happy with him. I hope they enjoyed dinner on Thursday. It was nice to have them down for once. The Boston Cream cake was the shiz-nit. My grandma treated us all to Cracker Barrel and refused to let anyone else pay for it. Unknowing to us, she said it was my dad's birthday, so she was celebrating it, even if the rest of us didn't. I totally forgot that it was his birthday. Oh well. 39 again. Nothing makes me happier than biscuits, eggs, and apple butter. And hash browns with cheese. I love a Southern breakfast. Monday, I am back on the wagon. And back to the gym.
The FSU/ Florida game is on. A big rivalry in my family. My dad and grandma went to FSU and my uncle to Florida. My dad and uncle bet each other a dollar every year over which team will win. They end up passing the same dollar back and forth over the years. Family traditions...........
I also picked up
A Thousand Splendid Suns, by the same writer who did Kite Runner. I thought it would be nice to read a couple of things this year that didn't involve Tori Spelling. I can't believe I read her book in one day. I was on vacation. That was my only saving grace.
We had a nice breakfast with my family before Christina and Alex went home. Alex seems really nice and Christina seems very happy with him. I hope they enjoyed dinner on Thursday. It was nice to have them down for once. The Boston Cream cake was the shiz-nit. My grandma treated us all to Cracker Barrel and refused to let anyone else pay for it. Unknowing to us, she said it was my dad's birthday, so she was celebrating it, even if the rest of us didn't. I totally forgot that it was his birthday. Oh well. 39 again. Nothing makes me happier than biscuits, eggs, and apple butter. And hash browns with cheese. I love a Southern breakfast. Monday, I am back on the wagon. And back to the gym.
The FSU/ Florida game is on. A big rivalry in my family. My dad and grandma went to FSU and my uncle to Florida. My dad and uncle bet each other a dollar every year over which team will win. They end up passing the same dollar back and forth over the years. Family traditions...........
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Day off work, Ya'll
I am feeling much better, after 2 days of being able to eat nothing but bland soup and crackers. The fever yesterday after hours on the couch watching Little House on the Prairie. It was the one with Johnny Cash. Such a classic. Jason was nice enough to get me Olive Garden minestrone and bread sticks for dinner. My first real food. I am like 80 percent better. Good enough to have a house full of company over for dinner. It is going to be great. I will take food slow. Just a little meat and some mashed potatoes. Nothing could be better.
Dave and Robin should be here in 2 hours. Christina and Alex should be here by 2. I had the craziest dream last night that my sister and I went to another Coldplay show in Tampa and she got mad at Alex and made him walk from Sanford to my house. So weird. Then, I ended up in Savannah, Ga. Probably because I just visited there and I just watched Ruby, the reality show about the overweight woman trying to change her life. It is really a wonderful show. Nice shots of historic Savannah.
I got up early and watch a Radiohead: In Rainbows, In the Basement on IFC. I do love Radiohead. It is perfect music to relax to listen to while you are doing other things.
Dave and Robin should be here in 2 hours. Christina and Alex should be here by 2. I had the craziest dream last night that my sister and I went to another Coldplay show in Tampa and she got mad at Alex and made him walk from Sanford to my house. So weird. Then, I ended up in Savannah, Ga. Probably because I just visited there and I just watched Ruby, the reality show about the overweight woman trying to change her life. It is really a wonderful show. Nice shots of historic Savannah.
I got up early and watch a Radiohead: In Rainbows, In the Basement on IFC. I do love Radiohead. It is perfect music to relax to listen to while you are doing other things.
Monday, November 24, 2008
So it begins......
The craziness at the work place. This is our busiest time of year. I wanted to die today. Unforch, I will be there again tomorrow. What can I say? I am a glutton for punishment........
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Celebrating my 200th post. But who really is counting?
Not much going on in the world of Julie right now. I am still waiting on the final product that will be my new bathroom. I think it will be the shiz-nit. If I could just get Martin to get over here and finish it!!!!!!
Breakfast was ssooooooo good this morning, only because I am the partial chef. I had 4 eggs and some southwestern hashbrowns and they were a great combo. There is nothing like fried potatoes. J and I watch Paula Deen in bed this am and everything she made was in some way fried. I love Southern Women when they cook.
We got the new Scene-it game: Seinfeld Edition. I can't wait to blow people away with my frivolous knowledge of everything Seinfeld. I think we'll play when all the fam is over this week. I can't wait for them to all arrive. Found my Pioneer folder. I can't believe how I've kept up with it. All those notes that I've typed over the last 11 years. I hope I will get to go back to Pioneer Service School this summer. It would be worth not having a real vacation for another year. I still think we will go to Mexico/ Belize for our anniversaire. With all the remodeling work, I haven't really talked about it again.
We went over to the Daley's last night and I am so jealous of her irises. My irises are puny compared to hers. I even fertilized this month. What is the deal? I just don't get it.
I am working 40 hours this week because of the holiday, but I'll get paid for 48. Yippee. That pretty much means service is a bust this week. I will try to squeeze the gym in on Tuesday night and possibly hit it one other day. I really don't want to make it Thursday, even though I know the gym will be open till 12pm. Decisions, Decisions.
I can't believe Ashlee Simpson and that gay-boy husband of hers stole my cat's name for HER baby's name. What a travesty.
Until my next big drama, ttfn
Breakfast was ssooooooo good this morning, only because I am the partial chef. I had 4 eggs and some southwestern hashbrowns and they were a great combo. There is nothing like fried potatoes. J and I watch Paula Deen in bed this am and everything she made was in some way fried. I love Southern Women when they cook.
We got the new Scene-it game: Seinfeld Edition. I can't wait to blow people away with my frivolous knowledge of everything Seinfeld. I think we'll play when all the fam is over this week. I can't wait for them to all arrive. Found my Pioneer folder. I can't believe how I've kept up with it. All those notes that I've typed over the last 11 years. I hope I will get to go back to Pioneer Service School this summer. It would be worth not having a real vacation for another year. I still think we will go to Mexico/ Belize for our anniversaire. With all the remodeling work, I haven't really talked about it again.
We went over to the Daley's last night and I am so jealous of her irises. My irises are puny compared to hers. I even fertilized this month. What is the deal? I just don't get it.
I am working 40 hours this week because of the holiday, but I'll get paid for 48. Yippee. That pretty much means service is a bust this week. I will try to squeeze the gym in on Tuesday night and possibly hit it one other day. I really don't want to make it Thursday, even though I know the gym will be open till 12pm. Decisions, Decisions.
I can't believe Ashlee Simpson and that gay-boy husband of hers stole my cat's name for HER baby's name. What a travesty.
Until my next big drama, ttfn
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Good to Know About Being Cold
I sat in the Gazebo park in Sanford to watch "Hairspray" and froze to death. No amount of blankets, jackets, or sweaters made a difference. I couldn't believe it. I know it couldn't have been over 45 degrees. It was the wind and the fact we were sort of near the lake. It felt like being up north next to the Potomac River at Mount Vernon in the middle of January weather. I am fondly remembering middle school trip circa 1992. Ah, those were the days.......
Bathroom is getting closer to done. I really should take pictures and show them to track the progress. The slow progress. Hey, the walls no longer have crappy old lady flower wall paper under the ugly white washed paint. They are finished and smooth. I had the dust all over my house a few days ago to prove it. The tile floors do look nice, and I can't complain too much. He really did it as a favor. A favor that HAS to be done by this Wednesday. I hate spelling that day of the week. I bought the paint and it is ready to go.
Family comes in on Thursday. Yeah!!!! Haven't seen Christina since May. It's been too long. I think Alex will be coming too.
Bathroom is getting closer to done. I really should take pictures and show them to track the progress. The slow progress. Hey, the walls no longer have crappy old lady flower wall paper under the ugly white washed paint. They are finished and smooth. I had the dust all over my house a few days ago to prove it. The tile floors do look nice, and I can't complain too much. He really did it as a favor. A favor that HAS to be done by this Wednesday. I hate spelling that day of the week. I bought the paint and it is ready to go.
Family comes in on Thursday. Yeah!!!! Haven't seen Christina since May. It's been too long. I think Alex will be coming too.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Gas price and Bathroom Remodeling Woes.
If the economists say it, I guess it MUST be true. The lower gas prices will eventually hurt the economy in the long run. For who? The gas companies? I am just glad it doesn't cost me 75 bucks to fill up my Pacifica. I will take the gas break for now. I may be paying 7 dollars for a dozen eggs 3 months from now. Who knows? Ask the economists.
My bathroom is closer to being done. He laid the tile and sanded the walls. There was dust everywhere last night when I returned home. Plus, my kitty was scared to death. Must have been the tile saw. I am picking up paint today. "Jardin" green. We'll see how that looks soon.
I am going to see "Hairspray" for the movie in the park tomorrow in Sanford. I invited Lindsay to come. Just hope it's not too cold. Must hit up Starbucks for the white mocha. That would go great with popcorn and a movie.
Speaking of movies, I finally saw "Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind." What a freaky movie, a la Vanilla Sky. I couldn't help but love Kate Winslet's hair. So striking. I don't buy the whole erasing the mind sort of thing. Too Twilight Zone.
I am having too much fun on Facebook. I found people I haven't talked to in 17 or 18 years. Jodi still has letter I sent to her. I am afraid to find out what a 13 year old me wrote to her then. Pretty scary. Loved her throwback pictures of herself in her New Kids on the Block gear. So cute. 13 years old was such a great time, but I wouldn't go back to that time, even if you did pay me. I would so rather be 30. Hey, isn't THAT a movie script?
My bathroom is closer to being done. He laid the tile and sanded the walls. There was dust everywhere last night when I returned home. Plus, my kitty was scared to death. Must have been the tile saw. I am picking up paint today. "Jardin" green. We'll see how that looks soon.
I am going to see "Hairspray" for the movie in the park tomorrow in Sanford. I invited Lindsay to come. Just hope it's not too cold. Must hit up Starbucks for the white mocha. That would go great with popcorn and a movie.
Speaking of movies, I finally saw "Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind." What a freaky movie, a la Vanilla Sky. I couldn't help but love Kate Winslet's hair. So striking. I don't buy the whole erasing the mind sort of thing. Too Twilight Zone.
I am having too much fun on Facebook. I found people I haven't talked to in 17 or 18 years. Jodi still has letter I sent to her. I am afraid to find out what a 13 year old me wrote to her then. Pretty scary. Loved her throwback pictures of herself in her New Kids on the Block gear. So cute. 13 years old was such a great time, but I wouldn't go back to that time, even if you did pay me. I would so rather be 30. Hey, isn't THAT a movie script?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Cool Weather IS nice for a change.
It is so hard to believe that Florida can have cold weather. It seems that we have had our fair share lately, and I love it. I found my middle school English teacher on Face book (among many others) I am probably making the same grammatical mistakes in my blogs now that I did in my middle school writings. Dommage. If you are reading this Mrs. Currie, sorry. I did really learn a lot in your class. See, I know now that "a lot" is not one word.
I think I am getting over the cold. All the tea with lemon and honey helped. I was such a grouch yesterday at work. Three of the girls at work are having guy troubles. One of them actually came to me (help them) for advice. She recently broke up with a guy and started dating a new guy. I told her that as soon as things were going good with the new guy, the old boyfriend would pop up out of the woodwork and realize that he wants you back. It's like they have radar or something.
Sure enough, that is exactly what happened. All I said was make sure you know what you want. Be honest with your ex and your new guy and don't be clouded by the ex's guilt. There was a REASON you both decided to break up. Well, that was my advice for the day. I don't like giving advice. Yet, that scenario did happen to me. It involved a sappy letter with a French poem in it. It's funny to watch men be all emotional when they realize they have made a mistake and it's too late. All that stuff really is in the past, and the person will remain anonymous. I am just using it as an example of what ex's try to do to get inside your head. No hard feelings, though.
It further reminds me why I am so glad I am married to a great guy. I think I would shoot myself if I were in the dating scene. Too much drama.
I think I am getting over the cold. All the tea with lemon and honey helped. I was such a grouch yesterday at work. Three of the girls at work are having guy troubles. One of them actually came to me (help them) for advice. She recently broke up with a guy and started dating a new guy. I told her that as soon as things were going good with the new guy, the old boyfriend would pop up out of the woodwork and realize that he wants you back. It's like they have radar or something.
Sure enough, that is exactly what happened. All I said was make sure you know what you want. Be honest with your ex and your new guy and don't be clouded by the ex's guilt. There was a REASON you both decided to break up. Well, that was my advice for the day. I don't like giving advice. Yet, that scenario did happen to me. It involved a sappy letter with a French poem in it. It's funny to watch men be all emotional when they realize they have made a mistake and it's too late. All that stuff really is in the past, and the person will remain anonymous. I am just using it as an example of what ex's try to do to get inside your head. No hard feelings, though.
It further reminds me why I am so glad I am married to a great guy. I think I would shoot myself if I were in the dating scene. Too much drama.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Teaparties are cures for colds, but they can help
The tea party baby shower went off without a hitch yesterday. I took enough antihistamine and gargled enough salt water to manage not to cough or sneeze during the entire party. After the shower, we went to Sanford to a block party all of the cool kids in Circuit 5 were throwing. The band On the Soap Box were having their cd release party. Just a low key cd release party that reminded me a lot of a scene out of a teen movie. Maybe I am just getting too old. It was nice to see everyone.
Today, I am paying for staying out on a cold night without my sweater and standing too close to the fire. I woke up so congested. Jason made me stay home from the meeting today. I haven't done much other than making some horrible pre-made Indian food from a pouch. I can't even take a hot bath because my bathroom with a tub is in shambles. I hope it gets done before all my company comes in a week and a half. My sister will be added to the list of the guest.
I talked to Christina for almost an hour today. She was bringing me up to speed on everything going on in her life. Things like her ex- roommate and sometimes best friend getting arrested. I don't mean sometimes best friend as bad thing. Lona and Christina have known each other for a long time. Sometimes they aren't always on the same page with everything. I hope Lona gets help.
Oh, I missed the most exciting part of today. Harlem caught his tail on fire while I was on the phone with Christina. I am glad I was there to put it out. I had a candle on the kitchen counter. Little Harlem was sitting in the sink with his tail swirling and it swirled right over the candle and immediately caught on fire. I quickly put it out. Harlem was disturbed by the smell of singed hair. Who isn't?
I have turned into a Facebook nut. Thanks, Flood. It has been good to find people from high school and to see where they are in life. Pictures are so telling.
Today, I am paying for staying out on a cold night without my sweater and standing too close to the fire. I woke up so congested. Jason made me stay home from the meeting today. I haven't done much other than making some horrible pre-made Indian food from a pouch. I can't even take a hot bath because my bathroom with a tub is in shambles. I hope it gets done before all my company comes in a week and a half. My sister will be added to the list of the guest.
I talked to Christina for almost an hour today. She was bringing me up to speed on everything going on in her life. Things like her ex- roommate and sometimes best friend getting arrested. I don't mean sometimes best friend as bad thing. Lona and Christina have known each other for a long time. Sometimes they aren't always on the same page with everything. I hope Lona gets help.
Oh, I missed the most exciting part of today. Harlem caught his tail on fire while I was on the phone with Christina. I am glad I was there to put it out. I had a candle on the kitchen counter. Little Harlem was sitting in the sink with his tail swirling and it swirled right over the candle and immediately caught on fire. I quickly put it out. Harlem was disturbed by the smell of singed hair. Who isn't?
I have turned into a Facebook nut. Thanks, Flood. It has been good to find people from high school and to see where they are in life. Pictures are so telling.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A Little Adult Sesame Street, Anyone?
So, we were with John and Danielle at the Food and Wine Fest Saturday night, and John kept raving about this Sesame Street video of the Count. Who was the warped mind that watched this and thought to make it dirty? It is pretty funny. For all you challenged people, like myself, it's not dirty. Count is really counting all day, slowly.....slowly. Keep your mind out of the gutter for a change.
Food and Wine fest was good. Very expensive. I had so many little plates and little glasses of good wine. Epcot was extremely crowded. The husband was losing his patience, but he was good, knowing I really, really love Epcot.
Coldplay was awesome. If you have never see them live, do yourself a favor and go. They shook the hiz-ouse.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Am a Really THAT Angry???
Yesterday, I threatened to punch someone, shoot a dog, and blow up a machine. I am never one to blame something on hormones, but I think that was the culprit. I also want to kill the cursor right now for magically disappearing. I should complain. I have an entire day off today. I am going away for the weekend. I am leaving work early tomorrow.
I think work is the source of a lot of irritation. My boss has been in a less than agreeable mood. I blame slowing of business and possibly the outcome of the election. I fondly remember him saying that Sarah Palin may be the first "real person" to be elected, even if as a vice president. If I had an opinion, I wouldn't like her, because she hates cats. Who could hate a cat? They are best creatures in the universe.
I have decided that I need highlights to compliment my new shorter haircut. I will prob think about doing something about it next week.
I have all the pieces for a great tea party outfit for next Saturday's shower. I will have to take the picture. I carefully packed up all my tea pots, cups, and saucers for the party. And all the tea I could spare. It will be a good time had by all.
I think work is the source of a lot of irritation. My boss has been in a less than agreeable mood. I blame slowing of business and possibly the outcome of the election. I fondly remember him saying that Sarah Palin may be the first "real person" to be elected, even if as a vice president. If I had an opinion, I wouldn't like her, because she hates cats. Who could hate a cat? They are best creatures in the universe.
I have decided that I need highlights to compliment my new shorter haircut. I will prob think about doing something about it next week.
I have all the pieces for a great tea party outfit for next Saturday's shower. I will have to take the picture. I carefully packed up all my tea pots, cups, and saucers for the party. And all the tea I could spare. It will be a good time had by all.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Can We Say "Children of the Corn?"

I saw this in a Time magazine at my uncle's shop yesterday. The girl is slightly creepy but beautiful. She reminds me of someone, although, I can't pinpoint who.
I needed a full oil change and wipers. Uncles can be so helpful sometimes. I feel guilty because I only usually see him every 3 months or 3,000 miles for an oil change.
My friend's sister died this weekend. It made me extremely sad to think that she lost her only sister at such a young age. It reminded me of how precious a bond sisters have. I love my sister. I don't see her as much as I should. We are almost polar opposites and she drives me insane. But, if I lost her, I don't know how I'd react. Sometimes, I think the differences she has gives me the keys to my own genetics. I really don't know what I am trying to say. Maybe her dominate qualities are somewhere hidden in me. Sometimes it is hard to express feelings for your loved ones until it is too late.
I am going to Debbie's study with Miriam today. I have to study up on Judgment day. I finally got a copy of her book, which sits on my nightstand with several other things I need to read. I did start reading it, and I look forward to doing that.
I got my hair cut on Saturday. I am afraid it is too short. I guess it is hair and it will grow back. It just frustrates me that I can't pull it back.
Coldplay and Food and Wine fest this weekend. I can't wait.
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